
The process of getting changes from your remote repository to the local one.


Imagine you have 1 local and 1 remote repository, both with [master] on initial commit.

Then, somebody updates the remote repository with [feature1] branch.

In order to retrieve the branch, you first need to make your local repository aware of the branch via fetch:

                                               o "New feature 1"  [feature1]
o "Initial commit" [master][origin/master]     o "Initial commit" [master]
(local)                                        (origin)

Then you pull the [feature1] branch to your local repository:

o "New feature 1"  [feature1][origin/feature1] o "New feature 1"  [feature1]
o "Initial commit" [master][origin/master]     o "Initial commit" [master]
(local)                                        (origin)

Always fetch before you pull!